

  • 5
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 湖南省 长沙 岳麓区 湖南省长沙市高新区谷苑路229号生产厂房B2栋802
  • 姓名: 朱亮亮
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定



          Hunan Cenlee Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd, derive from centrifuge factory of Hunan instrument company which affiliated to ministry of machinery industry. After the state-owned enterprise reform, some experienced technology specialists and sales managers leave the original factory and found Cenlee as a joint stock company. After several years development, Cenlee grows up as a stronger instrument manufacturer especially for centrifuge. Our employee insists the continuing improvement spirit of craftsman., ensure the product comply high quality requirement. We offer attractive salary for instrument industry field talents, keep developing new products integrate with high technology. We emphasize customer-oriented principle, focus on specialized centrifuge design for life science field, involve bio-chemistry laboratory, medical examination, bio-chemistry scientific research, biological pharmacy application. We have top level technical service team and high efficiency commercial team, we are always ready to provide fully support for scientist. In recent years, we focus on intelligent optimization and new technology integration for centrifuge, applied several core patents already. Achieved great progress for customize product and efficiency improvement, especially the safety and reliability promotion, with these achievements we powered our brand competitiveness, successfully listed in the top 3 suppliers for life science centrifuge application, get a lot praises and acceptation from terminal users. Our product widely used in following field: bio-chemistry high education, agriculture science, bio-chemistry scientific research, biological pharmacy, petrochemical industry, evidence investigation, etc. Our core philosophy is “Cenlee Technology- Improve your Precision in Wisdom Lab”. We are proud to contribute our “Cenlee power” for China life science related instrument industry promotion. 

    经营范围 公司主要经营离心机,高低速离心机, :医用离心机 实验室离心机 生物离心机 车载离心机高速冷冻离心机高速离心机机低速离心机 医用自动脱帽离心机 美容离心机 迷离离心机 自动平衡离心机脂肪离心机口腔离心机 大容量离心机 大容量冷冻离心机 口腔离心机 食品离心机 96孔微孔版离心机 检验科离心机 血站**离心机 生物安全柜离心机 气密性安全离心机


    注册号 430104000054112 注册机构 长沙市工商行政管理局**产业开发区分局
    统一社会信用代码 91430102591040134J 组织机构代码 591040134
    注册资本 500**民币 营业期限 2012-03-20至2062-03-19
    经营状态 存续 公司类型 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
    成立日期 2012-03-20 法人代表 史剑英
    公司地址 长沙高新开发区谷苑路229号海凭园生产厂房二802
    经营范围 实验室成套设备生产、加工;离心机维修;医疗设备的维护;环境检测;仪器仪表售后服务;自营和代理各类商品及技术的进出口,但国家限定公司经营或禁止进出口的商品和技术除外;实验室成套设备及通风系统、离心机、分离机、实验分析仪器、药物检测仪器、农林牧渔专用仪器仪表、医疗实验室设备和器具、光学仪器的制造;一类医疗器械、电子仪器的研发;一类医疗器械、电子仪器的生产;一类医疗器械、教学仪器、光学仪器、电子产品及配
以上内容由 提供